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Multiply London

Urbem was shortlisted in the international competition New Ideas for Housing London, an open call for submissions promoted by New London Architecture in association with the Mayor of London, in order to promote solutions for London’s housing crisis.


The project developed by URBEM, titled Multiply London: Time and Space, proposes a new regulatory framework aimed at diversifying London´s urban spaces  with economic incentives capable of stimulating current building and land owners to share and their  expanded building rights with new property owners, citizens of different income levels who could acquire these building rights to construct above ground and over current height limits stipulated by the building code. 


The concept proposed by Urbem, in parternship with Chilean architect Alejandro Aravena, Italian Architect Carlos Ratti, and French-Brazilian architecture firm Triptyque, seeks to establish mechanisms that combine the expansion of the supply of constructible area with commercial and market incentives capable of overcoming nimbyism, a resistance from current residents to the entrance of new residents. 

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